21 Jul Clover Cash Advance
The New & Simple Way to Get Capital for Your Business
In the past if you wanted to expand your business, add new inventory, or upgrade equipment without tapping out your cash resources, you had to get a loan. For many, the word “loan” means loads of paperwork, waiting, and headaches. Who wants to deal with all that? As a business owner, you just want quick capital to get the ball rolling, and that’s just what the Clover Cash Advance offers.
Read enough and ready to get cash? Get Started Now!
Need more information? Read on!
Why A Cash Advance?
Loans aren’t easy. On top of that, making fixed loan payments can sometimes prove difficult. A cash advance is based on your future sales, so you’re borrowing what you can pay back.
It can help you increase and add new inventory, renovate your business, or even increase your marketing budget. You use your cash advance how your business needs to. It’s quite simple.
Clover Cash Advance Benefits
- Quick approval with minimal documentation
- High approval rates
- Receive funds within 3-5 business days
- Cash advance gets paid daily through your merchant processing
- Options for renewal
The Process
- Apply. All that’s needed is a little information about you and your business. Get the one page Clover Cash Advance Application Here.
- Qualification. The amount of your cash advance is based off your monthly Visa and MasterCard sales
- Repay. Based on your monthly sales, your cash advance will be repaid.
What are you waiting for?
So, you know the extra cash could be great things for your business…why not apply now? The process is incredibly simple. You won’t have to worry about wasting precious time because the paperwork required is minimal. The approval rates are high, and you will not have to worry about borrowing more than you can pay back because it is based off your merchant processing. Repayment is even simple.
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