Rolling Out the Red Carpet

Rolling Out the Red Carpet

Customer Loyalty Programs For the Win

Rewarding your loyal customers is a practice that just makes sense.  There are now so many simple ways to track and honor those customers that keep coming back for more.  If your business already has a CloverTM product, then you’re probably already taking advantage of this awesome reporting with the free Rewards app, but what are you doing to treat your VIP customers like royalty?  If you’re stumped on how to get a customer loyalty program started, we can help!


Aside from the obvious, they’ll keep on coming around idea, why should you implement a loyalty program?  Two words:  social media.  It is almost too easy for us to share the ins and outs of our day with hundreds plus people, even strangers.  And when given freebies, discounts, and perks for sticking with you, your customers are going to let their friends and maybe even the world know how awesome you are.  Then those friends, strangers, your customer’s sister’s boyfriend’s grandma, etc. are going to come check out your business and maybe even become VIP customers themselves.  If that doesn’t give you the warm fuzzies, we’re not sure what will.


So, what are you going to offer and how?  Get creative and think like a customer.  If you own a coffee shop, an occasional free cup of coffee will certainly perk up a regular customer.  For spas and salons, add on an additional treatment like a paraffin wax dip or 10 minute extra massage time.  Restaurants owners, treat your regulars with a free appetizer or dessert.  Retail and gift shops, offer free gift wrap or even additional coupons here and there.  On top of offering little freebies or bonuses, go out of your way to acknowledge that customer is a VIP.  A simple, “glad to see you back!” can go a long way.

Saying “thanks” with discounts and rewards is a great way to keep your loyal customers happy and encourage growth, so why not get started today?  Let your VIP customers know they are appreciated and treat their loyalty like royalty!

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